by admin
on 15. Dec, 2010
in New Feature
One of the distinct advantages Quality Indicators Pro has over our competitors is our use of tags or tagging. If you are unfamiliar with tags you can read about tags here or watch a help video on tags here. If you have been using SMART you have probably been using groups. Groups are a way [...]
by admin
on 30. Nov, 2010
in Update
It is with great excitement that the Quality Indicators Pro team announces that Quality Indicators Pro is now live! We truly believe that this web based application can help your RTO to achieve real continuous improvement in the areas of your training and assessment delivery. There are other competing products out there for complying with [...]
by admin
on 29. Nov, 2010
in Update
This month has been about finalising everything for the launch date which is going to be November 30, 2010. Here are the main tasks completed this month: Testing and trialling different email campaign services Honing the sales email Tag maintenance screen so you can delete or rename tags Stay tuned for the big announcement on [...]
by admin
on 31. Oct, 2010
in Update
Besides some small development functionality the majority of this month was taken up with creating a series of Sales and Help videos. Here are the videos that were created: Short Introduction to Quality Indicators Pro video Help Video #1 – Entering Questionnaires Help Video #2 – Tags or Tagging Help Video #3 – Reports The [...]
by admin
on 30. Sep, 2010
in Update
Another busy month for the Quality Indicators Pro team. The bulk of the functionality is now done so we are more focusing on User Experience issues now. Here is the list of main items completed this month: Sample data now provided when someone signs up for a free 30 day trial Smart Tag lists on [...]
by admin
on 31. Aug, 2010
in Update
This month the team spent most of their effort on creating the payment sub-system which was a herculean effort by all. This involved many things but for brevity sake we’ll only list a few: Paypal integration using the subscription payment method and Instant Payment Notifications Email notifications when 30 day free trial is about to finish and [...]
by admin
on 31. Jul, 2010
in Update
Another big month at Quality Indicators Pro: Report Dashboard completed Tagging completed Added features to data entry screens (auto tabbing, auto complete fields, tooltips On the technology side added several components in preparation for going live: error notifications, performance monitoring, deployment to production servers Internal private beta conducted and list of refinements addressed
by admin
on 16. Jul, 2010
in Update
Since Monday the 12th of July 2010 we have been in a internal private beta. So far everything has been going smoothly and a few suggestions have come back from our beta testers which we are going to implement, before going live. Stay tuned for more information shortly!
by admin
on 30. Jun, 2010
in Update
Every month we will give an update on what new features have been added to Quality Indicators Pro. Sometimes we will go into details on a new feature, sometimes it’ll just be a list of new items. This months saw the basic functionality of QIPro developed including the following: Basic data entry of Learner and [...]
by admin
on 01. Jun, 2010
in Update
RTO Tools is proud to announce the development of a new online product called Quality Indicators Pro. This tool will help Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) generate their mandatory, annual quality indicators report for their relevant governing body. Quality Indicators Pro is going to go way beyond that though with the following goals in mind: Stunning [...]